Is Flap Reconstruction Right for You?

Several breast reconstruction options are available for women who have had a lumpectomy or mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis. One of those options is flap reconstruction, which uses tissue from another area of the body to reconstruct the affected breast. Dr. Anke Ott Young, Dr. Mary Pronovost, and Dr. Christine Hodyl, the board-certified providers at our office in Garden City, NY, and Trumbull, CT, offer flap reconstruction.

Flap Reconstruction Procedure

Flap reconstruction is a method for restoring the size and shape of a breast following a lumpectomy or mastectomy. The procedure is performed by removing healthy tissue from another area of the patient’s body, such as the thighs or abdomen, and using that tissue to reconstruct the affected breast. One of the primary benefits of this technique is that the newly constructed breast feels as natural as possible since it is formed with the body’s own tissue.

Flap Reconstruction vs. Breast Implants

There are multiple options for reconstructing a breast following breast cancer surgery and treatment. In addition to a flap reconstruction, breast implants are another option for restoring the breasts. Implant breast reconstruction involves the placement of a silicone gel or saline implant into the breast. We offer breast implant reconstruction and flap reconstruction through our offices in Garden City, NY, and Trumbull, CT.

There are several pros and cons associated with any breast reconstruction method. Our experienced breast reconstruction team can explain all the options and help you select the right one based on your individual needs and goals.

While there are many benefits to choosing breast implants, flap reconstruction offers several unique advantages that appeal to many women. Some of the benefits of selecting flap reconstruction include:

  • Using the body’s own tissue ensures the breast looks and feels like a natural breast
  • Breast implants eventually need to be replaced, but flap reconstruction lasts for a lifetime
  • Little to no risk that the body will reject the tissue over an implant since the body’s own tissue is used
  • Avoid using synthetic materials to reconstruct the breast
  • Removing excess tissue from another area of the body often provides an additional benefit of improving the overall shape and appearance of the body

If you prefer a more natural method for restoring a breast following a mastectomy or lumpectomy, flap reconstruction could be right for you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ott Young, Dr. Pronovost, or Dr. Hodyl to find out if you are a candidate for flap reconstruction by calling our office in Garden City, NY, and Trumbull, CT, at (516) 742-3404.

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