FAQs about Minimally Invasive Revision Surgery

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of reconstructive surgery following a mastectomy or have been told that you are not a suitable candidate for reconstructive surgery, then minimally invasive revision surgery could be right for you. Dr. Anke Young, Dr. Mary Pronovost, and Dr. Christine Hodyl, the experienced surgeons at Constructive Plastic Surgery in Garden City, NY, perform minimally invasive revision surgery to help women feel a sense of physical restoration following breast cancer treatment.

Who is a candidate for minimally invasive revision surgery? 

Minimally invasive revision surgery can produce excellent results in most women. Even some patients who have previously been told they are not suitable candidates for reconstructive surgery can benefit from our less invasive procedure. Our surgeons have handled several challenging cases in which other doctors were unable to help. We can also provide relief for pain or discomfort and correct complications associated with previous reconstructive surgeries performed elsewhere.

How is this type of surgery less invasive than other types?

The surgeons at our practice in Garden City have perfected minimally invasive revision surgery techniques. One way our methods are less invasive is that we are able to provide direct-to-implant reconstructions following mastectomy and avoid the use of tissue expanders, which can be painful and time-consuming.

We also perform autologous fat transfers, which are substantially less invasive than autologous flap surgeries. Administering simple fat transfers in areas where there is tightness or deformity around scar tissue can fill out the area and reduce the appearance of the scar tissue.

Can women with implants undergo minimally invasive revision surgery?

Women who have already had implants following mastectomy can still undergo minimally invasive revision surgery. The procedure can be beneficial to women who are experiencing chronic chest pain or discomfort due to the implant placement under the muscle. We can replace painful under-the-muscle implants with prepectoral ones. Additionally, we can perform an implant exchange for women concerned about textured silicone implants.

Minimally invasive revision surgery involves significantly less invasive techniques for reconstructing the breast area following breast cancer treatment. The techniques can also be used to correct problems caused by previous reconstructive surgeries. To learn more about minimally invasive revision surgery, contact Constructive Plastic Surgery in Garden City. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Young, Dr. Pronovost, or Dr. Hodyl, call the office at (516) 742-3404.

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